A ROW has broken out between neighbours over a new house which has been built in Winsford.

The two-storey home at the centre of the dispute has been built at the back of 96 Middlewich Road.

A retrospective application for planning permission has been sent to Vale Royal Borough Council.

But the applicants, Mr and Mrs Bzdega, are facing a battle, with their neighbours who are fighting to block the plan.

Members of the council's planning committee have agreed to see the new house for themselves before making a decision on planning permission.

And if the committee decides not to approve the new building, it may have to be knocked down.

The row has blown up because neighbours claim that the new building is too high and that it is affecting their privacy.

They also claim that the Bzdegas' application is misleading and not drawn to scale.

But the Bzdegas have hit back by saying that the height of the new house is the same as was shown on their plans, and denying that any lack of privacy has been caused.

Planning officers at the borough council have confirmed that the house appears to be half a metre higher than shown in the couple's planning application.

However, they have still recommended to councillors that planning permission should be approved.

A planning spokesman said: "It is regrettable that the new dwelling has been constructed at a higher level than that previously approved.

"But the effects of the increased height are not considered to justify a refusal of planning permission.

"There is not an unacceptable loss of privacy or visual impact from the building."

A decision on planning permission will be made at the next meeting of the council's planning committee.

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