A WINSFORD woman found herself in trouble with police for driving her car 25 minutes before her insurance cover was due to start, a court heard.

Kathryn Bryning, of Avon Walk, pleaded guilty to driving without insurance when she appeared at Northwich Magistrates' Court on Wednesday last week.

The court heard that Miss Bryning, aged 30, was stopped by police at 7.15pm on October 22 last year.

Miss Bryning thought that the period of insurance cover on her Ford Orion had already begun, but it turned out that the cover did not start until 7.40pm that evening.

Miss Fiona Morrison, defending, said: "She had sorted out her insurance over the telephone and paid for it by credit card.

"She thought the cover was already in force, so she drove to a petrol station to fill up. That's when she was stopped by the police.

"She has fallen foul of the law for the sake of 25 minutes."

Miss Bryning was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and her licence was endorsed with six penalty points.

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