WINSFORD Town Council has hailed its budget for 1998-99 as "good news for the town."

Details of the budget were revealed at Monday's town council meeting by Clr Nick Harris, chairman of the finance committee.

Clr Harris said: "It's very pleasing that for the fourth year running, there is no increase in the precept. That is a credit to the town council.

"We should be proud of the fact that we are still able to offer free school milk to children in the town. Not many councils can do that.

"We are also still able to give free bus passes to our senior citizens, and money has been set aside to provide an after-school club in the Community Arts Centre."

Clr Tony Hooton added: "There is a lot of good news in this budget."

Winsford Town Council's annual parish meeting will take place on March 30, starting at 7.15pm.

The meeting, at Wyvern House, is open to all members of the public, who will be able to raise matters of concern and put questions to councillors.

Clr Kath Watson said: "We hope that as many people as possible will attend the meeting."

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