PEOPLE living next to Winsford's Harris bacon factory claim they are being kept awake into the early hours of the morning by the sound of lorries running engines.

And now construction workers are carrying out demolition on the site, neighbours fear the firm may be planning to expand - which would mean more vehicles visiting the factory each day.

Already Larry and Estelle Bates, of Wharton Bridges, say lorries can be heard from 8am until 3am.

They are also puzzled as to why demolition work is being allowed to go ahead if the firm does not have planning permission for a proposed development.

Larry said: "The factory operates 24 hours a day and the last thing we want is more lorries, lights shining into the bedroom windows and noise.

"The whole thing seems rather underhand because why would the company clear the area if it has not already had permission from Vale Royal Borough Council to build on the site?

"The other night I was kept awake until 3.20am with the sound of running engines. I think the lorries are transporting meat and so keep the engines running so their refrigeration units remain cold.

"The council's main concern seems to be to create jobs but they don't see the impact on the nearby housing."

Chief planning officer, Alan Hodkinson, said: "We have a detailed application on industrial building for a meat processing, bacon slicing and packaging operation and there will be a letter going out to residents living near to the factory.

"In answer as to why demolition is being carried out, I have no knowledge of that whatsoever. It may be that the condition of the current building is not sufficient to continue to operate and it is to be demolished anyway."

Environmental heath officers are now being brought in by residents to investigate the alleged nuisance noise.

Rupert Adams, of Vale Royal Borough Council's environmental health department, said: "We are aware of a complaint relating to vehicles on the site.

"The noise from the vehicles will be investigated and indeed enquiries have already been made.

"If the planning application does get permission, we would also ensure control of any statutory noise problems."

Wharton councillor, Kath Watson, said: "The firm is expanding and wants to stay in Winsford and so we have to look at both sides - for and against the development.

"There is of course the issue of jobs to consider but I don't think residents should have to put up with noise.

"The environment officers can stop the engines running on the lorries when they are not needed and perhaps screening or some sort of environmental work could be done if the building work gets the go-ahead."

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