Williams plays Professor Philip Brainard, a mad boffin who comes up with the ultimate anti-gravity slime and decides to call it Flubber.

It's so-called because it floats and it's a bit like rubber (obviously) - with the naturally hilarious consequence that if you put it under an object, it floats.

Cue, amusing shots of household objects, cars and people floating all over the place. Oh my sides.

Also upcoming is Fairytale: A true story the hilarious tale of Robin Williams' attempts to decorate the top of his Christmas tree. No, not really.

It's actually the story of two girls who tricked the world into believing the existence of the winged wand-waving wonders - only to come clean decades later.

Both are scheduled to arrive at The Regal this Friday, November 6 - depending on the popularity of Titanic.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.