When we last saw JT, the boy band frontman with the winning smile was searching for a fourth superhunk to join the group.

The band remains nameless - but the position has been filled.

"The new guy's name is Christian," said Jonathan, 20.

"He's a student at the Liverpool Institute of the Performing Arts.

"He's from Norway, and has blond hair which is a bonus, as so far we're all dark."

Christian adds piano and guitar talent to his songwriting abilities.

"He's a bit of a Gary Barlow, actually," said Jonathan.

LIPA, where Christian is currently studying, was founded by ex-Beatle Paul McCartney five years ago.

But Christian hasn't been overwhelmed by the school's fine heritage, said Jonathan.

"He says he only came here to get famous somehow," said the boy from Riverside Park.

"Now he's about to do that, it looks like the studies will slip a bit."

Christian joins JT, Londoner Luke Saysell and semi-Spaniard Paul Marazzi to complete the band's line up.

They'll hit the London recording studios in February, with a contract being concluded in March.

And as for a name - well, that's where the "voyage beyond the stereotypes" comes in.

Not for them the punning of band names like Boyzone and Fi5e.

"Our producer wants the band's music to exceed the name," said Jonathan.

"We're looking for something beyond the standard, catchy play-on-words."

Sounds promising. So keep an eye on JT. The Band With No Name is on its way.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.