Reports of strange lights and objects hovering above the village in last week's Guardian have prompted more sky-watchers to describe their own close encounters.

Roy Martin was driving to his girlfriend's house when he spotted something strange in the night sky.

"At first it looked like there was one but then I realised there were two," said the 28-year-old.

"The shape of them wasn't like anything I'd seen before. They looked more like stealth aircraft.

"They were black and triangular and swept around without making any noise.

"They were above one another and had dark central sections. Their ends looked like teardrops.

"When I looked back they were out of sight. But I know what I saw. I work for the police so I'm not daft."

Joy Beresford and her husband John appeared to have seen similar craft during warm evenings spent in the garden of their Sandiway home last summer.

"I know we're on a flight path," she said, "and used to sit out and watch the Mir space station go over.

"But one occasion was quite peculiar.

"I saw these bright, triangular lights. They were hellishly bright. The light came out of nowhere and disappeared as fast as it came. I was curious not frightened.

"My husband thinks people are seeing stealth aircraft that don't officially exist but we've all got our feet firmly on the ground."

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