The bizarre theft from New Cheshire Salt Works, in Wincham, has baffled police and staff at the site.

The stainless steel screw is part of machinery used to push salt from one place to another during production work.

It was stolen from the grounds outside two weeks ago.

Technical director Richard Galbraith said: "I can't understand why anyone would take it.

"There is more valuable equipment here . . . and how on earth did they take it away?

"For us to replace it will cost £3,000 - but it's scrap value is only about £100. It is so annoying."

The machine at the works had been stripped ready for refurbishment and was due to replace an old machine that may break down at any time.

"We've not only lost part of a machine, but work for the men who were refurbishing it," said Mr Galbraith.

"We now have to go to more expense and the trouble of reorganising the project."

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