Charlie Jones, 42, was discovered unconscious, just yards from his home on Parkfield Road the Sunday before last.

He was taken to Leighton Hospital with severe head injuries.

His brother Ernie Jones said: "He came home last Thursday but then had a slight heart attack on Saturday night and was taken back in.

"He's got a blood clot on his brain and has lost the use of his left side.

"It's touch and go at the moment.

"We are all seriously shocked but are just about coping.

"Charlie is too ill to talk, we are just desperate for any witnesses to come forward."

Police have also renewed their appeal to find the three men thought to be responsible.

Inspector Kevin Lunn said: "This was a very nasty assault. These people are obviously dangerous."

The attack happened at about midnight on Sunday, January 25. If anyone has any information, ring Northwich police on 01606 48000.

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