She loves disco music, line-dancing, ice-skating and 10-pin bowling.

Come the spring, she'll be BELLY DANCING.

"I've had more fun in the last 12 months than in the whole of my life," said Pat, who joined a health club after she retired from NNC in November 1996.

These days she exercises every day - and is bursting with energy.

"It's not for vanity," said Pat. "It's the feel-good factor you get from exercising. It is a great stress reliever because you can just switch off."

Friend Moy Thomas enjoys aqua-rhythmics.

"It's like aerobics but it's more fun because it's in the water," she said.

Whether it's for toning up or trimming down, health or fitness, exercise is becoming increasingly popular with women of all ages.

"Pregnant women, young mums and all age groups from 20 to 70 go along," said Moy, who started exercising for health reasons.

"But I think they all have their own reasons for wanting to get in shape."

Pat and Moy believe feeling good is reason enough to stay fit and healthy .

But they point to other benefits.

"It can also change your whole shape," said Pat. "The secret is to sort out a dress you can't get into and keep trying it on until it fits."

Moy and Pat, who are both mums, once worked full-time.

Today - with their children grown up - they are delighted to have the time to get in shape.

"This is our time now," said Pat, of Lodge Road, Knutsford. "We'll never look 21 again but we like to look the best we can."

For the two grandmothers believe that there has never been a better time to be a woman.

And the friends are not a bit worried about growing older.

"I think age is a state of mind,' said Pat.

"If you think old you start feeling old."

Pat and Moy believe that in today's world, women are not prepared to sit back and become grey and matronly.

"They want to keep their bodies young and in shape so they look better," said Pat.

Moy agreed: "People are living much longer now so they know it is important to try and keep fit for as long as they can."

The two pals believe that today, women are finally liberated from the 'kitchen sink'.

"Gone are the days when the man would clear off to his club and the wife stayed in the background of life," said Pat.

"Men are quite happy now for women to enjoy themselves.

"They are more encouraging and are proud of us and what we achieve."

Pat agreed:

"We'll never look 21 again but we like to look the best we can," she said.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.