A DIAMOND anniversary tribute is to be made to the world famous 'Glen Miller Sound' at Winsford Civic Hall on Saturday by the Syd Lawrence Orchestra.

It may be 60 years since Glen Miller first formed his band in 1938 but his meteoric rise to fame with a swinging saxophone section, clarinet lead, a solid driving rhythm and a rounded brass sound is still as impressive today.

His orchestra hit popularity in 1940 when it toured the USA and he made two top-selling Hollywood movies, Sun Valley Serenade and Orchestra Wives.

In October 1942, Glenn enlisted in the US Army air force and his music was an inspiration to military and civilian personnel alike.

But in 1944 he hitched a lift from Twinwoods Airfield in a small Norseman plane to go to Paris ahead of the orchestra to arrange a gala Christmas Day broadcast.

He was never to be seen again and the mystery of his disappearance remains to this day.

In 1967 Syd Lawrence formed a 'rehearsal band' which became a full-time touring orchestra and faithfully recreated the music of Glen Miller.

Audiences are guaranteed to have their pulse quickened, heart lifted and memories flood back with the big band.

Chris Dean, who has now taken over from Syd Lawrence, was a former trombonist with Syd's orchestra and shares his enthusiasm for wonderful music.

An evening with one of the finest groups of musicians in the world will take place on Saturday, February 7, at 7.30pm.

Tickets are on sale at Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford (01606 867539) priced £10.50 and £8.50. Credit card bookings are also available.

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