A RECRUITMENT drive for nurses has been launched after staff shortages forced ward closures at Leighton Hospital.

Rehabilitation Ward 6 was shut down several weeks ago and now Ward 11, which deals with patients undergoing surgery, is only open five days a week, closing at weekends.

The news comes just weeks after Leighton managers admitted that dozens of patients had had operations cancelled because of a shortage of theatre nurses.

Director of Nursing, Katherine Holborn, revealed Leighton's nursing team is down by 55.

"Along with most other hospital trusts in the country the Mid-Cheshire is finding it difficult to recruit. We are hoping that some of the trainees who qualify in April will stay with us. But as so many other trusts are facing the same problems we are facing strong competition to keep them," she said.

She admitted that the latest pay award from the Government would not help the situation. The profession is disappointed and angry over the 3.8 per cent rise. Two per cent of this will be paid in April and the rest in December.

"We are trying to minimise the impact of the shortage on patients as much as possible and we are using Ward 11 for people who would be ready to go home by the weekend after surgery," said Ms Holborn.

Now to recruit nursing staff the Trust has launched a recruitment drive and will stage an exhibition at Leighton on February 23.

"We are hoping to attract new recruits and also tempt back former nurses who may have left to have families or let their registration lapse for other reasons," added the nursing director.

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