TEACHER Glynn Robinson has been cleared of indecently assaulting a pretty 19 year old blonde college student he had a secret relationship with for more than three years.

But the jury at Mold Crown Court could not reach a verdict on a charge of affray. A decision was due to be made yesterday, Wednesday, over whether a retrial will be held.

After the verdict was announced on Friday, with his new wife beside him, Robinson, 53, of Crewe Road, Haslington, said that he was "very much relieved".

"I was innocent all the way through. It is sad that it even came to court," he added.

He claimed it was a minor incident last year that should not have gone to court.

"All my wife and I want to do now is to go away and get on with our lives. There have been no winners or losers in this, only losers. There has been so much pain. Her parents must have suffered just as much as we have," he added.

Robinson said the case had destroyed his teaching career of 20 years.

"I am an experienced teacher. I have never had any problems throughout all of my teaching life; never one complaint. All I have had are thanks and congratulations," he said.

He added that he was working as a supply teacher when the allegations were first made. Despite applying for a number of teaching posts since, he had been unable to find a job.

He was also concerned about the effect the publicity surrounding the case had had on his close family who had been going through hell because of the allegations.

Robinson, an examiner with the Oxford and Cambridge Examination Board, who had worked in a number of youth movements, including the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, denied both the assault and affray charges.

The prosecution alleged that Robinson had begun a secret relationship with the girl when she was 15 and still at school.

He became obsessive and jealous and when she tried to end it he tried to blackmail her with explicit photos and videos he had taken. He wrote to her parents and grandparents telling them about her alleged sexual exploits.

She claimed that when she went to his Crewe home last March to pick up her cat and return clothes and underwear he had given her he attacked her, ripping off her clothes and threatening to rape her.

In his defence Robinsons told the court he had fallen for the girl "hook, line and sinker".

When she went to his home to collect her belongings he had to restrain her because she was "ranting and raving".

He alleged she told him she would make false attempted rape allegations against him in order to destroy him.

He denied using photographs and films to blackmail her into continuing the relationship. These were very private and confidential and would never have been shown to anyone, he said.

He had not tried to make it difficult for her to end the relationship. When she moved 250 miles away to university he realised it might end, but encouraged her because that was what she wanted.

He said that he had regretted writing letters to her parents and grandparents but had hoped that they would care for her in her new free environment in University because of some of her sexual exploits.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.