I WRITE in support of Mr R. Johnson who expressed his concern at the large amount of litter in Warrington.

The areas surrounding Mr Smith's nightclub in the early hours of the morning do indeed resemble something akin to a rubbish tip with the amount of litter and accompanying seagulls.

Regrettably, however, the remaining roadsides and roundabouts are covered in litter continuously, to the detriment of the town.

First impressions count and I cannot imagine people being impressed with their first view of the town after driving along roads and round roundabouts strewn with debris and litter. A second visit would obviously not be considered by a discerning shopper or tourist.

When one views the amount of discarded rubbish, it is hard to believe that there are laws that are supposed to stop this practice.

There are, I assume, not being enforced by the authorities. If the said litter laws were enforced with the same enthusiasm and attention as those that are applied to illegal parking, the problem would be greatly alleviated.

The authorities should enforce the laws and declare a 'zero tolerance' zone within Warrington with respect to its litter problem.

Keeping 'litter louts' out would improve the town's standing and appearance and attract the better type of visitor.



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