A WARRINGTON woman who told the GUARDIAN of the agonies of searching for the son she gave up for adoption, following his birth in l964, has been re-united with him.

Known only as Jan, she was among a group of women who spoke to us of about being pressured, often by their own families, to give up their babies, at a time when single mothers were not socially accepted.

After the feature appeared, a year ago this week, Beryl Ford, adoptions officer, of Warrington Social Services, set up a support group for mothers searching for their adopted children.

Jan said she had received a lot of help from the group.

She was given the Christian names of the couple who adopted her son, by an adoption society in Thameside. She also had the date, and the town - Pewsey, Wiltshire.

It was barely enough to go on, but because the woman had such an unusual Christian name, Jan found her through an electoral role and, further searching led her to her son, now 34, who was living in Dewsbury.

"It is unbelievable," said Jan.

"He is the absolute image of me. Everything is just great between us. He has visited me five or six times.

"We still have a long way to go and I respect the fact that he has another mum, but we get on great. He has three children whom I have not yet seen and I am looking forward to that."

The support group meets at Bewsey Old School. Anyone interested in attending can ring Beryl Ford on 444000.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.