HOUSING officers plan to work closely with residents in the development of imaginative schemes designed to improve their communities.

The Government has given Warrington Borough Council permission to borrow £1.37 million in a new initiative releasing money obtained through the sale of council houses.

The largest allocation, £200,000, is to be spent on council estates including Bewsey, Longford, Orford, Blackbrook and Westy.

A number of options are being considered including improving security, energy conservation, work to properties and play facilities.

Discussions are underway on the opportunities for linking work programmes on the estates with the Welfare to Work initiative.

Other projects to be included in the spending programme are:

£20,000 to provide basic furniture and carpeting in flats for single, homeless people.

£50,000 to install care monitoring units in the homes of elderly tenants in receipt of social service support.

This will be a pilot scheme helping to make efficient use of resources and minimising the need for hospital or residential care.

£40,000 on a pilot energy conservation project. This will involve the adaptation of homes to achieve maximum energy conservation.

£50,000 for community initiatives, possibly a business or garage.

£100,000 transferred to Warrington Housing Association for the purchase or improvement of houses in the Fairfield Renewal Area. This money will be repaid in full to the council by the Housing Corporation.

£50,000 to improve play facilities on council estates.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.