ADULTS of all ages are being encouraged to go back to school - at a Warrington community centre.

Causeway Park Community Centre, River Road, has teamed up with tutors at Priestley College to offer adult education courses in a range of subjects.

Similar projects in Bewsey and Dallam have proved a great success. Organisers hope people will overcome their fears about returning to education and give aromatherapy or computers a try.

Carolynne Gavaghen, Community Liaison Tutor at Priestley College, said: "We are trying to remove the barriers from education. People often lack confidence when they have been away from it for a while. But we offer a wide range of courses, even in confidence building, and once people start they end up wanting to try everything."

Mo Mitchell, community development officer for the borough council, hopes the courses will help bring communities closer together. She said: "The courses provide the opportunity not only to learn a new skill but also to meet people from the same area and discuss local issues."

For further information on courses at the Causeway Park Community Centre contact Warrington 633591.

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