A WARRINGTON woman who leapt to the rescue of a drowning boy is to be rewarded for her bravery.

Kath Heaton Clarke, of Meadowbank Gardens, Glazebury, is to receive a certificate of commendation from The Royal Humane Society for her part in the rescue.

Nine year old Thomas Allen had been swimming in the River Wharfe, North Yorkshire, when he got into difficulties at a point where the river is 40 feet wide.

Kath, who was supervising a Children's Society holiday at the time, spotted the child struggling in the fast-flowing current.

"I was supervising a group of children playing in a calm part of the river when a girl started shouting that a young boy seemed to be in difficulty in a very fast flowing part of the river," said Kath.

"He wasn't a member of our group but there didn't seem to be anyone around to help out," she said.

As fellow youth worker Eddie Birchall dived in to save the boy, Kath also jumped into the treacherous river from the opposite bank in case Eddie failed in his rescue attempt.

Added Kath: "I didn't think at all when I heard the boy was in trouble - I just made my way over. The only thing I remember thinking was to shout at my own group to stay on the bank."

Novice swimmer Thomas was eventually dragged to safety by Eddie, but both he and Kath are to be rewarded for risking their lives to save Thomas.

"It is quite a honour to receive the award - I didn't know anything about it and I certainly didn't expect an award.

"I am a strong swimmer and there was a child in trouble. Any strong swimmer would have done the same thing."

The pair will travel down to London later this year to receive their prestigious rescue awards at a special presentation.

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