A NEW church hall is opening this week - thanks to the fundraising efforts of parishioners.

Members of St Paul's in Victoria Square have managed to raise £119,000 over the past five years.

But, they say, they wouldn't have been able to reach their goal without the support of the local community.

Now, as they prepare for the official opening, they wish to invite all those who who helped them to join the inaugural celebrations.

A dedication service is to be held at 5pm on Saturday, February 14, followed by a buffet and barn dance.

"We are very grateful to all those outside our parish who have supported our appeal," said fundraising co-ordinator Peggy Hills.

"We would like to invite them to the dedication service as a thank-you. It will be also be a chance for them to see where their money has been spent."

Parishioners launched an appeal five years ago when their old wooden hall needed to be replaced.

To begin with, they had hoped to raise £250,000 for a new building.

However, they decided to revise their plans last year as they approached the half-way stage and realised they were struggling to reach their original target.

The hall has a fully-fitted kitchen, office, spacious hall, storage cupboards, small meeting room and toilets.

It will be used by various parish groups but will be available to local community groups for meetings.

The fundraising is set to continue for several months to pay for furnishings and fittings.

Anyone who supported the fundraising appeal and would like to attend the opening celebrations should contact Peggy Hills or St Paul's church so numbers can be confirmed.

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