TAXI drivers fear financial devastation if plans to withdraw licences from a nightclub go ahead.

One taxi boss reckons his 12 drivers could each lose up to £140 per week if the Mersey View nightclub in Overton Hills is refused a public entertainment licence by Vale Royal Borough Council.

The club is under threat of closure because some local residents have complained about boisterous behaviour by late-night carousers.

But Steve Haselden, boss of Weaver Taxis in Church Street, says his firm will be hit hard: "I'd say our driver will lose £70 per night every Friday and Saturday if the Mersey View closes."

And he hit back at people who say the trouble merits closure: "It's getting blown out of all proportion. We have customers in Bellemonte Road - where the complaints started - who say this kind of thing has been happening for 30 years.

"The police round here seem to be blaming all trouble in Frodsham on the Mersey View."

Vale Royal refused to renew the licence citing a number of concerns, including failure to vet bouncers properly and an increase in public order incidents.

But David McGing, of the Mersey View, said many of the allegations made were groundless and agreed that they were being scapegoated for weekend problems in the town.

The appeal is upcoming and Mr McGing hopes it will go their way.

He said there was no question of his nightclub closing.

"If the appeal does go against us, we might become a private members' club," he said.

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