CHEMICAL giant ICI has come under fire this week in an independent audit carried out by the Environment Agency.

The detailed study follows a series of chemical spillages at the Runcorn site during 1996 and 1997.

The environmental audit has revealed that the company still needs to make improvements to prevent further incidents.

ICI said this week it was already working on many of the recommendations which have been made and takes its environmental responsibilities very seriously.

The audit was published this week as ICI was due to appear before Widnes magistrates today (Wednesday) charged with spilling 150 tonnes of chloroform at the Runcorn site on April 9 1997.

A team of six staff from the Environment Agency carried out an audit of the ICI Runcorn site during five days last July.

It was one of a package of measures put in place following talks between the Agency and senior ICI executives.

The audit team concluded that ICI needs to ensure it has better systems to prevent spillages and to adequately contain any which may occur; put written instructions for staff to follow on site in place more quickly and there should be more emphasis on a pro-active approach to maintenance work.

Ian Handyside, North West general manager of the Environment Agency said: "The Environment Agency is determined to ensure the environment is protected by rigorous regulation.

"This audit contributes to the important tast of securing continuous environmental improvements at ICI's Runcorn site."

ICI's Runcorn site manager Russ Whelan said: "Our priorities on site are the health and safety of people - both those who work here and our neighbours - and protection of the environment.

"We do everything we can to make sure we operate safely and with no significant impact on the environment."

Mr Whelan stressed that ICI takes its environmental responsibilities very seriously and is always looking for ways to improve.

He said: "Before the audit, we were already working on many of the Environment Agency's recommendations and their concerns are being, and will continue to be, fully addressed."

ICI was fined £15,000 by Widnes magistrates last March after being prosecuted by the Environment Agency for spilling 320kg of ethylene dichloride at Runcorn on July 7 1996.

The company was fined a further £34,000 following a leak of effluent from the manufacture of vinylidene chloride into the Weston Canal on October 4 1996.

ICI spilt 50 tonnes of dry cleaning chemical trichloroethylene at the Runcorn site, allowing approximately one tonne to run into the Weston Canal via surface drains on May 4 1997.

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