A MOTHER and her daughter have become the first tenants to be evicted under Halton Council's new neighbour nuisance strategy, it was revealed this week.

Michelle Leather and her daughter were forced to give up the tenancy of 11 Festival Way, Runcorn, after numerous complaints about noise.

Elderly neighbours said they were persistently being disturbed.

Despite warnings, the tenants continued to show a lack of consideration for her neighbours, members of the Housing and Community Services Committee were told on Monday.

The council's neighbourhood nuisance officer interviewed all parties and the residents started keeping diaries of the incidents.

The council sought an injunction against Michelle Leather and she gave an undertaking to stop causing the noise and to abide by the terms of her tenancy agreement.

"Despite the undertaking and fresh warnings from the council, the noise and disturbance persisted," councillors were told.

"Therefore, possession proceedings for her eviction were commenced."

An order was made against her in November and her eviction took place on January 14.

"Throughout the process, the residents have diligently kept detailed diaries of the incidents, supplied affidavits and have proceeded to court as witnesses on behalf of the council," members heard.

This is the first case under the council's neighbour nuisance strategy to go through to eviction.

Councillors believe the success of this strategy will ultimately benefit the whole community.

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