THE banks of the Weaver are set to be heavily populated this year as an increased number of events are being staged to get Winsford youngsters hooked on fishing.

Bob Bellis, who organises the juvenile section of the Winsford Anglers' Club, begins a long line of 12 competitions which will run throughout 1998 this Tuesday, during the half-term break.

Virtually every Tuesday outside the school calendar is being put aside this year for youngsters to brandish their bait.

Considering that previous years have only had one competition, the signs are that the club is more dedicated than ever to reeling in more participants from the schools, something which Bob is keen to promote.

He said: "You see things about kids on the streets who have nothing to do in school holidays so we would like to get them fishing as a lot of people enjoy it.

"The problem with competitions like these is sponsorship as no-one really wants to know.

"But we've got Dave's fishing shop of Middlewich supporting us for the first event and we hope to get more as the year goes on."

Bob is also encouraging all involved to team up to tackle the problems presented by a lack of funds and equipment.

He added: "We would appreciate any donations of old equipment like rods and nets, and would even use some of them as prizes."

The first competition of the year takes place at the Red Lion at Winsford on Tuesday, February 17, the draw being made at 9am in the car park, fishing taking place between 10am and 1pm.

It is an open competition for all under-17s, but under-nines must be accompanied by an adult.

All competitors must have a national fishing rod licence, and all who enter will receive a prize.

After two more junior contests in April and one in May, Bob will stage one every week of the summer holidays from the end of July to early September with two more in October and December.

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