IT was a golden weekend for Winsford couple Ernest and May Beresford who celebrated 50 years of marriage on Saturday.

A small party with neighbours on Friday was followed by a surprise meal with their son, daughter and four grandchildren on the big day.

They have lived in Walnut Drive, Winsford, since moving from Hanley in Stoke-on-Trent in 1957 when Ernest, 73, came to work at Duttons' ornament factory as a mould-maker.

May, 71, admits that they took time to shape themselves into life in the town due to the differing environment which the move demanded.

She said: "It took time to settle here after coming from a city.

"It was quite a big change for us because we were used to living in a built-up area, which this wasn't. It was more like a village."

However, looking back on 40 years of good times and many friendships, May is more than happy with the route they took, saying: "I wouldn't dream of leaving Winsford now."

Ernest retired in 1989 after working in Middlewich for Stevenson's, later to become Ideal Standard, for 30 years. He now spends most of his time gardening and admits to chancing a little flutter on the horses now and again.

May can often be seen at the bingo hall or out and about on a Tuesday with a group of friends from the Winsford Community Centre.

It would seem that there is no special formula for a long and happy marriage, just to enjoy life and take each day as it comes.

May added: "The most important thing is to still feel young and stay active, as we do."

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