Alan Brooks, aged 58, of 7 Langford Close, Blakeley, Manchester, will also complete a suspended sentence of 48 days.

Brooks appeared at Chester Crown Court on Monday with Thomas Martin Homer, aged 20, of 27 Newcombe Close, Beswick.

The pair pleaded guilty to charges of commercial burglary in two business premises: Torex BIT at the Brickfield Business Centre, and the Delarue Fortronic Helpdesk at Gadbrook Park.

Both break-ins occurred early on New Year's Day this year. While Brooks provided an unlicenced, uninsured car for the trip, Homer and his younger brother entered the premises.

The group was stopped on their way back to Manchester when police patrols noticed accident damage on the car.

When the boot of the car was examined, police found three computer monitors and keyboards, and one laserjet printer.

Defending, Jonathan Dickenson asked the court to consider Brooks' state of mind during the crime.

"This man was once a millionaire," he said. "His daughter was one of the top 20 showjumpers in the country.

"But his marriage failed, and with it his business. It is a great pity that he has been forced to these extremes."

Judge Stephen Clarke sentenced Homer to nine months in a young offenders' institution.

Brooks also had his driving disqualification extended into the next century.

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