David Hunt, aged 30, of Crumwell Road, Winnington, groped and fondled 27-year-old Donna Cross during the attack last November.

Hunt admitted indecently assaulting her when he appeared at Northwich Magistrates Court last Wednesday.

He was given a two year conditional discharged and ordered to pay his victim £200 compensation - for causing her "mental suffering".

The court heard that on the night of the attack, Miss Cross met up with her boyfriend Peter McDonald at the wine bar.

When Miss Cross arrived two men - one of whom was Hunt - came across to the group her boyfriend was with and began to join in the conversation.

Miss Cara Pickering, prosecuting, told the court that Hunt began asking Miss Cross about her private life, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Hunt, who had been drinking heavily, then staggered across to her and tried to touch her in the groin area.

Miss Cross told her boyfriend, who had words with Hunt. But as Hunt was leaving the bar he squeezed Miss Cross's bottom.

Miss Cross and her boyfriend left the wine bar soon afterwards but returned later. When they went inside they found that Hunt had also returned.

This time, said Miss Pickering, Hunt began making lewd suggestions to Miss Cross.

She later went to the toilet, and when she came out of a cubicle she found herself confronted by Hunt.

He told Miss Cross that he loved her and said 'I'm in here for you'.

Hunt then pushed Miss Cross into a cubicle and locked the door. He undid a button on her denim jacket and put his hand inside her bra. He then exposed himself to her.

Miss Cross eventually managed to struggle past Hunt and escape.

Miss Pickering said: "She was shocked and upset, and had trouble sleeping that night. She now feels uncomfortable with men who are not known to her."

Miss Fiona Morrison, defending, told the court that Hunt had been drunk that night and had "very dim recollections" of what had happened.

She added: "He is married with a family and this has had a devastating effect on him. He has found it all very stressful."

He was also told to pay £60 costs.

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