Many other countries - including America and Britain - have such weapons.

But Saddam Hussein is a despotic megalomaniac who, having killed thousands of his own people using such weapons,would have no hesitation in using them on others.

The United Nations organisation operates in disarray.

It demands compliance from Iraq regarding agreed inspections designed to thwart further progress in obtaining weapons of mass destruction.

But certain member countries involved use similar political manoeuvring and brinkmanship employed by the Iraq leadership to procure their own ends.

Russia is more interested in re-establishing credibility as a world power who still has influence.

France continues to oppose anything British from lamb to foreign policy.

Arabic, Islamic states are naturally suspicious of any interference from a Christianised West that continues to favour the old enemy Israel.

Nevertheless Saddam must be made to comply.

The question is how this might best be achieved.

When parties are involved in acrimonious debate, eventual solution always requires compromise.

Each must leave having saved face.

Universal politics should therefore demand compliance from Iraq, while agreeing the lifting of sanctions against its people and the introduction of a multi-national (less American-orientated) inspection team.

It should also demand recognition from Iraq that future failure to comply will be met with universally-agreed military force.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.