But at 36, the former dressmaker is determined to conquer them all in her bid to become an accountant.

Bernadette decided to swap needle and thread for a calculator two years ago after spotting an advert for a credit controller in a recruitment agency.

She decided it was the perfect job and signed on at Macclesfield College.

It will be another five years before she qualifies, but that hasn't put her off.

"I am determined to be an accountant," she said.

The former Kilrie worker was always good at maths at school, but it was working as a temp in an accounts office that fired her interest.

"Secretarial work wasn't for me but I loved the accounts jobs," she said. For four years she ran a home-sewing business before acting on her instincts.

Today, she's happy and has the support of husband Barry, 31.

"He has given me nine years before he says he will give up work and retire," said Bernadette, of Hollow Lane, Knutsford.

And her advice to others considering a career change? "Look around until you find something you enjoy," she said. "And don't be scared to give everything up. If I can do it, anyone can."

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