The Dip - a wooded footpath which links Shaw Heath and Longridge - has been a thorn in the side of the authorities in Macclesfield, Chester and Manchester.

Residents complain that the area has been left to the mercy of fly-tippers and vandals and promised clean ups have never happened.

Now one go-getting Longridge resident has got stuck in and cleaned up the area herself - with a little help from a friend and some local youngsters.

But councillors and community workers are at a complete loss as to who the woman is.

"I went round on Sunday to try to find a bit more about it but had no success," said town councillor Brian Daulby.

"It has definitely been tidied up and it's a great

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example to set.

"There will be a lot of people thinking nobody else cares - but there are people."

It is believed the mystery worker recently moved to the area from Manchester and lives near the Dip.

Annetta Hanbidge, from Knutsford Over District Residents' Association, said she believed the woman had piled all the rubbish together for borough council workers to take it away - but didn't know who the volunteer was.

"It looks a lot better," she said. "It's a credit to her."

A spokesman for Macclesfield Borough Council confirmed two of their workers had been on the Dip and had cleared up enough rubbish to fill two skips.

The spokesman urged residents not to dump large items on public ground and reminded them they could arrange to have bulky rubbish removed for free by calling the Clean Sweep Line on 01625 504777.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.