In a response to the uproar about the tab for some of Mr Bell's election expenses being paid by Labour and the Lib-Dems, Clr Mark Stocks said Tatton's Independent MP had done the right thing by paying back the cash.

"He has received the overwhelming support of his constituents," said Mr Clr Stocks. "And that is good enough for me."

Clr Stocks said he didn't believe the Labour's denial that it leaked to The Mirror the story of Mr Bell's legal expenses.

"But does anybody believe that The Mirror would run such a story without the approval of Labour?" said Clr Stocks. "I certainly don't."

Clr Stocks accused the paper of attacking Mr Bell because he had attacked alleged Labour party sleaze.

He said the story was either an attempt to destroy Mr Bell or warn him off criticising Tony Blair in Parliament.

"The next time a story like this about Martin Bell breaks, the media should put their efforts into tracking down the culprits instead of pinning Mr Bell in a corner," he said.

"People in Tatton have had enough of Labour interfering with their democratic representation."

Mr Bell described the message as "lovely" but said he "absolutely believed" assurances from Labour's press guru Alistair Campbell that the story didn't come from them.

"I'm extremely grateful to Mr Stocks for his comments," said Mr Bell.

"I myself have no idea where the story came from."

He said he was content to let the matter remain a mystery and stressed that his relationship with the Labour Party in Tatton was extremely good.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.