YOUNG gymnast Dean Meakin has a double celebration this week, not only is it his birthday but he has been named a Child of Achievement.

For Dean, of Love Lane, Betchton has Down's syndrome, is unable to read or write and is also deaf and has sight problems.

But while Dean is limited academically, he is extremely successful as a gymnast prompting his mum Jenny to nominate him for an award.

Dean has been doing gymnastics for the last six years and has won several awards including an Olympic gold at Sheffield in 1993.

He attends Springfield School in Crewe and then travels to Sandbach School and Burslem for his gymnastics.

He has already represented England in the National Disabilities Display Squad in America and next year he will travel to Sweden.

His mum Jenny and his dad Allen felt other people might be encouraged by his success.

"We are very proud of him," said Jenny. "He's done very well and gymnastics has opened up a whole new world for him."

The awards are given out annually to children who have overcome difficulty or help others in their everyday activities.

The family were due to travel to London for the awards ceremony on Dean's 15th birthday yesterday, Wednesday, and were meeting up with other pupils from Springfield School.

The children are in the city to see Oliver which Dean will also be going to along with taking in the sights of London.

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