SUPERMARKET giant Asda have refused to comment on rumours that they might pull out of Crewe after planning permission was granted for a new Morrisons store nearby.

Asda had issued a list of objections to the Morrisons scheme, planned for former Crewe Works land off Richard Moon Street.

They claimed that the established Asda store would lose 20 per cent of its trade and hinted that when its lease ends in 2005, the store could be forced to move on.

Smaller businesses in and around the Victoria Centre, many of whom get passing trade from Asda shoppers, also voiced concern.

John Clough, proprietor of Clough's Audio Visual on Victoria Street, said: "I think the town centre is being spread too thinly, with the Retail Park on one side and now Morrisons on the other.

"What we need is some investment in the town centre to encourage shoppers to stay here.

"I have no argument with Morrisons themselves, I just feel we need more big stores in the town centre."

But despite these objections, planners passed the Morrisons plans at a meeting last Thursday.

All an Asda spokesman would say was: "Of course we are disappointed with the decision, but we made our objections clear at the time, and we have nothing further to add."

Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council have welcomed the multi-million pound scheme, saying it will bring up to 350 new jobs.

They believe it will open up more land for development, and denied that the Morrisons store, which will include a petrol station and car wash, would entice shoppers away from the town centre.

Planning Committee Chairman, Cllr Chris Thorley, said: "This scheme will be a positive benefit for Crewe. It is likely to attract more shoppers into the area due to the choice of supermarkets that will be available.

"I am glad that we have been able to secure a shuttle bus service to run the few hundred yards between the store and the town centre.

"The Committee accepted the advice of independent consultants that trade in the town centre would not be unduly affected."

And he added: "In fact we think this substantial new investment in the area will raise business confidence. Personally, I would not be surprised to hear of one or two further positive announcements during the course of this year."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.