WARRINGTON Wolves' vice-chairman will be 'Mayor' of the Rugby Football League next year.

Bill Garratt will be president of the RFL for 1999 and he is delighted.

Garratt says: "I see it as an honour for the club as well as for myself.

"I will be expected to go to all the official functions, such as dinners, and I will be the figurehead for the Rugby League. This role is like being the Mayor of Rugby League."

Garratt, aged 59, of Appleton, has been on Warrington's board of directors for 15 years and he has been vice-chairman to Peter Higham for the past 10 years.

He has been Warrington's RL Council representative for 14 years.

Garratt adds: "I was the manager of the Lancashire team on the last occasion they played and I am on the negotiating committee of RFL and Britsh Amateur RL Association."

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