A PROJECT to build a £5m private wing at Warrington Hospital has been completed.

Trust bosses have welcomed the development, which they believe could bring a huge cash boost for NHS patients. It is estimated the private wing could generate £250,000 to help treat Warrington's sick.

The Daresbury Wing will receive its first patients at the end of this month. It will purchase services, such as the use of cardiology and diagnostic and imaging equipment, from Warrington Hospital, and provide general surgery, general medicine and rheumatology, vascular surgery, orthopaedics, gynaecology, ENT, plastic surgery, urology and haematology services.

Patients' watchdog, the Warrington Community Health Council, has welcomed any financial benefit the new hospital will bring to NHS users, but will resist any move that will create a 'two-tier' service.

Spokesman Paul Harrison said: "Our role is to make sure this doesn't have an effect on NHS provision and we will monitor that, although I see nothing to suggest that will happen. There has always been private work being done in most hospitals and the Daresbury Wing is an extension of that.

"If it generates income, then I am sure it will help."

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