IT is a Royal Mail mix up that would make Postman Pat blush.

Householders in Knutsford Old Road, Grappenhall, have experienced problems with their post because of confusion over a road name.

Puzzled posties have been taking letters to homes in Higher Knutsford Road instead, leaving residents with their own small post rounds.

Now householders want the road name changed to stop the confusion.

"It's been happening for years and we keep telling them about it, but it still happens," said resident Roger Dickinson.

"When the postmen are sorting the mail, they obviously just see the Knutsford part and file it accordingly. Now many residents want the Old putting first so that doesn't happen anymore," he said.

The confusion has been caused by a road change more than 100 years ago when roads were diverted due to the Manchester Ship Canal.

Roger says although it is primarily an inconvenience, delayed post has had its serious consequences.

"My daughter was waiting for a job application, but because we didn't get the letter until about a week later she missed the interviews."

An apologetic Royal Mail has sent numerous gifts, including stamps, fudge and a diary and pen set. "The diary was very useful, but the pen was smashed to pieces and I had to glue it together," said Roger.

A Royal Mail spokesperson said: "Unfortunately roads with familiar names can cause problems for delivery staff if they are unfamiliar or covering a round.

"We will be trying our best to make sure we get it right in the future," she said.

Warrington Borough Council has agreed to consider a possible name change to Old Knutsford Road in March if all householders agree.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.