PEACE has broken out in the dispute between St Rocco's Hospice and its former medical director, Dr Michael Ashley.

Dr Ashley alleged he had been unfairly dismissed after a re-organisation of cancer care in Warrington.

The hospice is to link up with Warrington Hospital as a centre for palliative care for north Cheshire and as part of the change round, Dr Ashley was offered the new post of senior medical officer.

He was given notice to quit his £47,500 post after refusing to take up the offer, which he claimed was a demotion.

The doctor accused the hospice of "constructive dismissal" and took his complaints to an industrial tribunal.

Now, the doctor has withdrawn the complaint and says he accepts the hospice acted properly in re-organising provision of medical cover.

Meanwhile, the St Rocco's Council has offered Dr Ashley an undisclosed "modest" redundancy payment to mark his service to the hospice.

A joint statement, signed by hospice chairman Ann Wood and Dr Ashley, said: "The council has acknowledged with thanks the care and medical services that Dr Ashley provided to the hospice patients over the years and has expressed the hope that he will shortly find a suitable alternative appointment.

"The council would also like to make it clear that Dr Ashley's dismissal was not related in any way to the inadequacy of his qualifications and that if the impression has at any time been gained that he is not eligible to be on the specialist register, that is certainly not the council's view."

The Macmillan consultant who will be appointed to head the new centre for palliative care must be entered on the Royal College of Physicians' specialist register.

Dr Ashley has applied to be included on the register and is currently awaiting confirmation of entry.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.