A MAJOR disaster was averted when a car burst into flames on a petrol station forecourt.

Staff at the Asda garage in the Westbrook Centre thought their worst nightmare had come true when they saw the vehicle ablaze just feet away from the petrol pumps.

But their cool actions - and a stroke of luck - prevented a potential catastrophe.

For regular customer and fire safety expert, Michael Kirkham, of Old Hall, just happened to be passing as the drama unfolded and bravely stepped in to tackle the blaze.

But the former Shell fire officer is modest about his good deed: "It's my business.

The drama began after a woman motorist stopped to check her tyres on Saturday morning. As she waited in the queue, the car shot into flames.

Attendants Frances Thompson, Chris Dow and Sue Humphreys swung into action, shutting off the pumps and evacuating the area as they waited for the fire brigade to arrive.

"We kept calm," said Sue, of Great Sankey. "At first people wouldn't take our warnings seriously, but once the smoke and flames got going they co-operated."

Meanwhile, Mr Kirkham entered the danger zone. With precious seconds ticking away, he grabbed a fire extinguisher and brought the blaze under control. When fire-fighters arrived, their job was all but done.

Asda manager Alex Babenko has hailed his staff - and customer - as heroes: "It was frightening but they were absolutely brilliant. The car was well alight but 10 minutes later you wouldn't have known anything had happened.

"The petrol station staff redirected traffic and people away from the area and another comforted the car's driver who was very distressed.

"Mr Kirkham, who regularly shops with us, thought it better to deal with the fire rather than wait for the fire brigade and put it out for us."

A spokesman for Cheshire Fire Brigade added: "A fire on a petrol forecourt is potentially very dangerous. There are zones within a petrol station where electrical equipment is banned because of the explosion hazard.

"By acting as promptly as he did, this man averted an incident which could have been far worse."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.