A PUBLIC meeting to discuss the future of RAF Burtonwood has been branded a shambles by campaigners.

More than 500 residents turned out to air their views on proposed plans for the Header House site.

After more than two hours of heated debate about heavy goods traffic and radioactive contamination at the site, some residents felt nothing had been achieved.

Phil Glanister, chairman of the Burtonwood Road Action Group, said: "It seemed that a lot was said but nobody really heard anything. It was poorly organised and we didn't get the answers we really wanted."

Phil added: "All of us were disgusted by the extremely short notice the Ministry gave, and most people only heard about the meeting through the GUARDIAN and word of mouth.

"We want another meeting, where everyone is given enough notice to organise questions properly. When we do get to ask these questions we want them answered and not evaded."

The Government has pledged to reduce the number of tenants at the distribution and storage centre, which it claims will cut the amount of HGVs using Burtonwood Road by half.

A new exit has also been proposed on to Burma Way, creating a one way system through the base and further easing congestion at the southern edge of the site.

Former Warrington South MP Mike Hall believes that isn't the solution.

"Making the road one-way won't solve the problem because the site entrance from Burtonwood Road isn't big enough in the first place," he said.

MoD analysis has shown that radioactive radium had been found buried at certain areas of the Header House site. Testing by independent consultants found that levels of contamination were extremely low on the site, but residents claim they've been left in the dark.

Anita Moses, of North Sankey Residents' Association, wants more answers from the Government.

"The whole thing was a sham. We didn't get the answers we wanted over the contamination, over the new access or about open space.

"There were lots of really good questions that didn't get the answers, and now we are arranging another meeting to try to get these answers," she said.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.