WARRINGTON'S new unitary council has come up with 10 self-imposed 'commandments' to improve life for every citizen in the town.

Following in the footsteps of Tony Blair, whose Government made five promises to the electorate, Warrington Borough Council has come up with a list of pledges by which it can be judged over the next year.

Some of the promises are specific, such as getting 323 young people off benefit and into work or training and improving literacy rates among 11 year-olds.

Others outline general aims, such as making Warrington a cleaner, greener town and working to prevent crime.

But however far-reaching, all will be monitored to provide a guide to the authority's performance.

The borough's policy committee has approved the proposal and, subject to ratification by the full council, the pledges will be introduced from April.

The move comes as Warrington gears up to becoming a unitary authority. In April it will take control of all local government services, including education and care of the sick, disabled and elderly.

Warrington Borough Council's proposed 10 pledges are to:

Work with police and others to prevent crime.

Promote opportunities for young people in education, training and community participation.

Raise the proportion of 11 year-olds achieving the national literacy standard for their age from 59 per cent to 83 per cent by 2002.

Work with the employment service and others to take 323 young people off benefit and into work or quality training in 1998/99.

Enable schools to become the centres of their community by encouraging a wide range of complementary activities which will help life-long learning.

Develop its public transport system and reduce traffic congestion.

Reduce energy and water consumption in council buildings.

Be a key partner in constructing a health plan for the whole town.

Ensure there is a free, high-quality pre-school place for all four year-olds by September 1998.

Council leader, John Gartside, says if the council doesn't meet its pledges, then the community must be given a full explanation: "We have a target and we want to achieve it," he added.

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