I recently had to walk through Warrington town centre on a Friday night. It was not a pleasant experience. There were literally tens of young people wandering about, many the worse for drink and some looking for trouble.

It was quite frightening and though I could see the bouncers on the doors of the pubs I still felt very intimidated.

How can a town change character so pointedly between day and night?

Surely there are just too many of the pubs and clubs about - it is eerie how at night places you never really noticed during the day seem to pop out of the woodwork.

If we want to make this town a pleasanter, safer place for families the town's leaders are going to have to stop allowing these kinds of establishments to open up. I don't believe all the young people I saw were actually from Warrington. Many had been drawn into the town from surrounding areas by these pubs and clubs.

Name and address supplied

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