I NOTICED the WARRINGTON GUARDIAN has taken an interest in the obnoxious odours which pervade the Warrington area.

I began my complaints to the Environmental Agency via telephone conversations and I decided that verbal complaints were useless unless documented. Therefore I began recording my complaints in writing to the Environmental Agency.

As you will appreciate, my solitary efforts to enlist the Environmental Inspector to either issue enforcement orders or institute prosecution proceedings against either the waste tip operators or local companies has met with promises of containment measures which are ongoing. All hopes of controlling the emissions from Arpley Landfill Site appear to centre on the gas flares which have recently been installed.

This does not appear to have been successful. A recent visit to the site location of the flare installation resulted in experiencing a highly concentrated obnoxious odour, which was very unpleasant.

This situation is likely to continue for many years and I feel that the worst possible environmental scenario that could prevail has been conveniently glossed over in the interests of the public need for cheap disposal of waste.

The emission of landfill gas, the subterraneous creep of landfill gas and the effects of leeching poisonous fluids into the surrounding water table are only a few of the dangerous consequences that we are bequeathing to future generations.

I sincerely hope that the WARRINGTON GUARDIAN continues the publicity to improve our environment and shame our town councillors into corrective action.


Moss Lane


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