AS headteacher of one of the schools in Winsford I feel that I must respond to the observations of your correspondent The Observer in last week's Winsford and Middlewich Guardian.

Of our last group of students leaving school after completing their A Levels, all but three entered higher education at the institute of their first choice.

They went to good universities, ranging across the country, from Manchester and Liverpool in the north, to Kent and Bristol in the south. They also chose to read a wide variety of subjects, varying from Pharmacology to Government and Political Studies.

Of these excellent young people, two attained four A grades at A Level, going on to study for a BSc in Chemical Engineering at Birmingham, and an MENG at Oxford. One student also managed to secure a place on the Veterinary Science course at Bristol, gaining one of 65 places from a field of 1,500 applicants.

We at Woodford Lodge realise that, through no fault of their own, some young people have low expectations and we attempt to tackle the problem head on.

We strive to provide a positive, caring environment for the pupils of Winsford in all aspects of their education, so that they realise that learning is an enjoyable experience to be carried on throughout life.

We have also developed a five-year Personal and Social Education Programme which covers life skills, teaches our pupils to aim for the highest and, vitally, to become responsible citizens of Winsford, in the true sense of the word.

S Meeks, headteacher, Woodford Lodge High School.

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