MARK Fox has landed the job of making sure all youngsters in Winsford are given a sporting chance.

As the new youth sport development offficer for Vale Royal Borough Council, he is already lining up the targets for what he wants to achieve.

He said: "I look forward to developing opportunities for young people by creating links and pathways between schools, local clubs and anyone involved in youth sport.

"This includes PE teachers and youth coaches with whom I need to work to give youngsters a good, sound start in sport.

"The leisure department here has really kickstarted over the past year. We already have lots of contacts and I am developing some good national links to help clubs with things like better equipment."

Mark, who comes from Nantwich, leaves his post as assistant manager at Shavington Leisure Centre in Crewe. In fact, he has spent most of his 24 years cementing a firm background in a range of sports.

He continued: "I've always been a keen sportsman right from school. I ran 800m, 1500m and cross-country for Cheshire as well as playing tennis, hockey and swimming for my local clubs.

"I always seemed to be doing a different sport every day so this is the only area I wanted to work in.

"When I look at the work that needs to be done I feel that because I have such a wide sporting background it's a big advantage in terms of the job. That's why I'm keen to focus on all sports at all standards.

"We had very good opportunities in Crewe and Nantwich to do all sports and I want to see youngsters in Winsford have the same benefits I got even if its just making them aware of what is available."

Mark is in the final year of a part time degree in business studies at Manchester Metropolitan University which, when twinned with his youthful enthusiasm for the role, will lay a good ground for success.

He added: "It's good to see kids being involved. I feel that's the best thing about sport."

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