WINSFORD United have outlined their plans for a £300,000 Barton Stadium facelift, set to reflect the club's ambition for raising its status at the turn of the century.

Extensions to the existing site will bring new facilities into the picture with the emphasis on improving links with the community.

This means that the new five-a-side and training pitches, which will edge the current pitch 10 metres nearer to the car park end, are the priority development ahead of any plans to swell the ground capacity with new standing and seating areas.

Money, inevitably, proves a tough obstacle, but chairman Martin Morgan is encouraged by the early signs, particularly as talks with Winsford Town Council, which acts as trustee for the extra land required, have proved a success.

He said: "The council has seen the plans and is in favour of our ideas. It is willing to let us use the land so we have an agreement in principle.

"It's now a matter of getting a legal agreement which we will leave to the solicitors. It's certainly not a contentious issue.

"We're bidding for money from the National Lottery which would cover 65 per cent of the cost, and from the Football Trust as well.

"Our new fund-raising committee has some very good ideas for sponsorship but it's still early days. We know there is a lot to achieve.

"But we do have the technical expertise available to carry out the plans which we hope to have into action within 18 months to two years."

The chairman has also revealed that growth will not only surround the field of play but take place on it as well.

Next season sees the introduction of the first under-18s Blues team, hopefully playing in the Bolton Combination League, and the focus on youngsters in the town is set to cement Winsford United as a true community-based club.

Morgan continued: "The long-term development of facilities will have to be beneficial to the town, not just Winsford United.

"The intention is to bring stronger links with the community. We have already done this with our junior section which has grown rapidly within two years.

"Our teams will soon cover every age range from under-six to under-18, which means that more than 200 local youngsters will be involved with the club."

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.