THE man leading the hunt for Du Rose has welcomed the judge's verdict of a life sentence.

Detective Chief Inspector Phil Thompson said the actions of Du Rose were sinister and forceful.

He added: "Du Rose is the most dangerous man I have ever come across in 18 years of working in the police force.

"I do not believe he released her in an act of compassion, it was an act of pure panic."

DCI Thompson also praised his officers and said it had been a traumatic experience for them.

It was a difficult inquiry, a stranger kidnapping, and a great deal of work had to be done.

He also thanked the local press for coverage during the difficult time of Princess Diana's funeral. But his last thoughts were for the young girl and her family.

He said: "The family has lived it and been touched by it every day of their lives since this occurred. It really has had a dramatic effect on them.

"Now the healing process has started for them and hopefully they can start leading a normal family life again."

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