OAKFIELD Racing in Winsford is celebrating its first jackpot winner after almost two years of running the Irish Lottery.

Gordon Pollitt, of Woodcott Avenue, scooped nearly £4,500 after placing a £3 stake on the four numbers which make up his date of birth, 6, 1, 19 and 38. The cash came as the perfect 60th birthday present.

The luck of the Irish must run in the family as only last year Gordon's son pocketed £2,000 on the same game.

The draw is made twice a week and bets are accepted on one, two, three or four numbers out of the six drawn, winnings being based on the stake you put down.

Lynn Sumner, manager of Oakfield, sees this as an attractive option to people who may be tired of waiting for the huge windfall which the Camelot National Lottery promises but rarely delivers.

She said: "People have more of a chance of at least winning something and we have numerous £50 winners every week out of the 400 or more tickets we take. It's popular with all the regulars, like Gordon.

"The bookmakers need to do things like this because as our National Lottery is so popular we had to counter it.

"I think the smaller amounts appeal to people as it gives them a more realistic chance of winning."

And just to prove that this stroke of luck wasn't a one-off, Oakfield Racing announced its second £4,000 jackpot winner on Saturday night. It seems that after a two-year drought, the money is finally flooding in for the punters!

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.