WINSFORD county councillor Moira Chapman has denied rumours that cash-strapped Cheshire County Council is to close the town's Elmhurst elderly support centre.

Cty Clr Chapman acted after hearing that inaccurate speculation was causing deep anxiety among users of the Roehurst Lane centre.

Faced with the need to make £5 million savings, county council leaders had originally looked at the possibility of closing three of the 16 centres in Cheshire in a bid to save more than £460,000.

"But no centres were ever identified," said Cty Clr Chapman who is also chairperson of the county council's social services committee.

She added: "The possibility was simply one of many such ideas put forward for consideration because of the current financial situation.

"However, the idea was discounted because we discovered that the flexibility of these centres, with their residential facilities, was extremely important in helping us to deal with the effects of winter pressures.

"I would like to reassure the elderly that we have absolutely no intention of closing Elmhurst or any other community support centres this year."

Alternative cuts still have to be made and the county council is considering postponement of the re-introduction of the domestic cleaning section of the home care service.

Cty Clr Chapman assured the elderly: "Our clients will still receive that service via the private sector."

Community support centres provide both day care and residential services for the elderly and act as the headquarters of the local home care team.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.