I was one of them and have just had a very nostalgic reunion with a fellow shipmate. We returned to HMS Collingwood and received a very warm welcome and tour.

Many things have changed, but some things have not. This letter is to those readers who have been to HMS Collingwood, or perhaps a relation, and will be interested to know that we have now set up an HMS Collingwood Association.

Planned for the future are reunions, visits and newsletters.

I invite ex Collingwoods, all ranks and both those training and ship's company, to write for further details to Michael Crowe, 7 Heath Road, Lake, Sandown, Isle of Wight PO36 8PG. A stamped addressed A5 envelope or a couple of stamps would be appreciated to keep costs down.

Who did you join up with? Where are they now? What were your next ships?

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Membership Secretary,

HMS Collingwood Association.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.