Let me enlighten him a little.

On arrival at the Memorial Hall we were told that "these are the plans for this site, they are presented for your information."

In short this is what you are getting.

However people did object and loudly too.

In the hour that I stayed there, I believe every person objected to the plans because of local traffic congestion on what is a very narrow road.

If the officials in attendance had had the remotest idea of the existing traffic problems in this area they would not have passed the plans.

Navigation Road and Darwin Street with its school and doctor's surgery with parking on the street are the only access roads for the present traffic from all the houses, the boatyard and industrial units, between Chester Road and the river.

Eighty homes (each with two parking or garage spaces we were proudly told), offices, craft workshops, fishermen's cafe, parking and toilets are all in the plan.

It does not take much imagination to realise that all the additional vehicles will probably bring traffic in this whole area to a stand-still.

I suppose that we shouldn't be surprised at the apparent lack of local knowledge at the presentation, not one of the planners and officials lived anywhere near the site (I did ask) and will not be on the receiving end of their folly.


Castle Resident.

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