The United Nations Special Commission has so far succeeded in destroying huge amounts of weapons and their lethal contents.

However Iraq still has the capacity to manufacture enough anthrax to fill two more war heads every week. One such warhead could devastate an area the size of Cheshire. More alarming is the fact that Iraq has enough unaccounted for ingredients to make 200 tonnes of VX nerve gas which is enough to wipe out the world's population.

So why is Saddam Hussein deliberately blocking the work of the UN weapons inspectors? The conclusion must be that he is still intent on building up his chemical and biological weapons arsenal. We must remember that this evil dictator has already used such weapons on his neighbours and his own people.

This is why the British Government is at the forefront of the diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution to this crisis. Our efforts have already led to a doubling of the oil-for food programme. Britain is the second largest donor of humanitarian aid to Iraq.

The best prospects for a diplomatic solution is therefore to leave Saddam Hussein in no doubt of our resolve if he persists in his ambition to develop chemical and biological arsenals. The time has come for Saddam Hussein to recognise the authority of the United Nations, to open up Iraq to full and unhindered weapons inspection and to use his country's wealth for the benefit of the people.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.